Prices of services of the semen bank

Collection, assessment of the quality of the semen, issuance of a quality certificate – 124 € (Assessed criteria are amount of semen, motility, presence of pathological spermatozoa)

Prices of services – frozen semen: *

  1. Collection, assessment of the quality and freezing of semen – 240€
  2. Storing of semen (during 1 year) – 35 €
  3. Preparation, paper work and delivery of the already frozen semen:
    • to EU countries – 800 €
    • to USA – 1300 €
    • Canada, Australia –  from 1300 €* ( possible not for all cases)

*in urgent shipment cases price rise 40%..

Prices of services – chilled semen (storing up to 5 days):

Collection of the semen, assessment of the quality, chilling, packaging and completing the paper work for the delivery and transportation of the cooled semen to the EU countries (DHL express) – 450 €

Insemination of female dogs:

  1. Intracervical endoscopic insemination by frozen, chilled or fresh semen – 240 €.
  2. Vaginal insemination with sperm amount and motility evaluation– 100 € .


  1. It is possible to obtain discounts;
  2. All the procedures are performed only with the prior confirmation.

All the questions can be directed to the Ass.Prof. Jakov Sengaut DVM, Ph.D, email: (ATTENTION: please always specify your name and phone number in the letter so the doctor would be able to contact you).

Information for bank payments (invoices) for dog semen bank REPROLAB

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