Semen bank
Since autumn of 2009 REPROLAB ( part of Jakovo veterinarijos centras) started offering services of the dog (Canine) semen bank. REPROLAB is EU approved dog semen bank ( veterinary approve number (TRACES) LT64-13-001 ). Two doctors are responsible for the services of the bank, Doc. Dr.Jakov Sengaut DVM, Ph.D( (ATTENTION: please always specify your name and phone number in the letter so the doctor would be able to contact you). Relevant information can be obtained by calling to the reception by telephone number (+370 5) 2105048 .
What are the benefits of the semen bank?
Owners of male dogs:
- Nowadays the owners of male dogs that are champions have an opportunity to sell semen of their pets. Contact us and we will organize collection of semen, freezing/cooling and its delivery to any place in the world (if possible).
Owners of female dogs:
- Now you don’t have to bring your pet during the coming into season far, to the other city in Europe
- The trip and living in an unfamiliar city (also living in the hotel that allows stay with pets) will take almost an entire week.
- The whole trip including transportation and staying in a hotel constitute a big amount of spending.
Instead of all those problems we offer an opportunity to do everything faster. After the confirmation with owners of a male dog there is an opportunity to send frozen or cooled semen one or several times. You choose a time in advance and come to the veterinary clinic for the breeding procedure (up to 30 minutes). It is your responsibility to find a desirable male dog and confirm the possibility of purchasing its semen with its owners, you should figure out the price and the conditions of the transaction. After the transaction is confirmed you should give us the contact information about the veterinary institution that is handling the male dog’s semen in order for us to organize the delivery of semen to Vilnius.
It is advised to resolve all the organizational questions that are connected with the purchase of the semen in advance. That will help to guarantee that semen will be received in a timely manner and without additional difficulties.
Contact person for all the inquiries about the manipulations with semen is Doc. Dr.Jakov Sengaut DVM, Ph.D, phone number:+370 676 03 222, email:
(ATTENTION: please always specify your name and phone number in the letter so the doctor would be able to contact you)
We are ready to answer all the questions that are connected with the work of the dog (Canine) semen bank.