• Chilled semen import to Lithuania (for breeders)

Chilled semen import to Lithuania (for breeders)

During the import of chilled semen the following factors should be considered:

  1. Transportation of chilled sperm should take no longer than 24 hours (as an exception can be 48 hours).
  2. Courier companies like DHL, FedEx that are transporting the sperm do not work on Saturday, Sunday and holidays in Lithuania and holidays of the country of departure.
  3. It is best to use chilled sperm during 4 days after its collection.
  4. The deliveries of chilled sperm is only possible from EU and EEA countries. Parcels from these countries do not require custom procedures or these procedures are simplified.
  5. During Christmas and New Year holidays (December 15th – January 5rd) we stop working with chilled sperm deliveries due to the complications with courier companies and additional weekends.
  6. All the questions about the semen import and insemination have to be discussed with us before the bitch heat period.
  7. Persons that are responsible for chilled semen import and organization of insemination is:
    • Dr. Jakov Šengaut DVM, PhD, EVSAR member ( dr@vetmed.lt )

ATTENTION: Please always indicate your phone number (in the international format) in each email that you direct to us and let us know if you have Viber or WhatsApp for this phone number.

Information for the owners that are considering insemination with chilled semen at Jakovo Veterinarijos Centras (Steps to take):

  1. Start the preparation before the heat period.
  2. When you find the male sperm donor please contact his owner and discuss the desire and possibility of chilled sperm sale. Ask if it is possible to contact a reproduction veterinary doctor who can chill and prepare semen for delivery. How close is that to their home and will the owners have time to visit the veterinarian for semen collection at the day that you will need (usually it depends on the busyness of the dog owner, their work schedule and desire to sell the sperm).
  3.  If you got positive answers to the questions in the previous point and you are satisfied with the price of the sperm that you will pay to breeder and other sperm selling condition, request the dog owner to ask their veterinarian:
    • If the veterinarian agrees with our requirements for chilled semen shipment?
    • How much will semen collection, evaluation, chilling and packing cost?
    • How much will next day courier delivery cost and is there a possibility to send the shipment to Lithuania (zip-code: LT-03147) if the delivery is organized by their veterinarian?
  4. Send me (Dr. Jakov: ) an email containing the following information:
    • Your name, phone number, bitch’s breed and name, age and when do you expect the start of the heat period
    • Semen donor (dog’s) name, owner’s name, phone and email.
    • Donor’s veterinarian name, phone and email, veterinary clinic address (with zip-code).
  5. We will answer to your email by an email or a phone call, we will inform you which price for semen delivery we can offer (we are working with DHL Express), we will discuss further steps of the process.

Information for bank payments (invoices) for dog semen bank REPROLAB

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